0% #DewLiveWire
0% #DewBlueShock

Per DOH-FDA CFRR Permit No. 0820 s. 2016. Promo period August 1 to October 31, 2016.

Make your choice:

Do the Dewmocracy

“Dewmocracy” is here.

Mountain Dew is giving you the power to decide which flavor should grace the shelves of local supermarket and sari-sari stores – for good.

The famously bold citrus drink is branching out with two new flavors: Mountain Dew Livewire and Mountain Dew Blueshock. Two different flavor profiles, but both equally spirited and equally refreshing.

Vote by posting on Twitter and/or Instagram with the hashtag of your chosen flavor: #DewLivewire or #DewBlueshock. Each vote gives you the chance to win prizes every week. Or better yet, you might even snag the grand prize at the end of this campaign.

Cast your vote from August 12 to October 31, 2016. The choice is yours!

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