Much has been said about millennials – roughly defined as those who were born between 1980 and 2000.

It has been said that they’re digital natives – growing up amidst social networks and rapidly evolving technology. It has been said that they crave growth and experiences versus stability. It has been said that they’re empowered, yet entitled – at least in prevailing Western narratives.

In the Philippines, millennials make up one-third of the total population. They’re the ones politicians talk to. The ones marketers try to entice and persuade. The ones companies want to hire (if they haven’t started their own). They are a force to be reckoned with.

This year, the oldest millennials are 36 years old. As they enter their prime years, they’re not just defining his community or his workplace. They’re also starting to take care of a new generation.

We want to ask: who are Filipino millennials?

Using a mix of reports, data, and profiles, we aim to paint a definitive picture of the 20- and 30-somethings of this country.

Let’s start with this page. Read, engage, share your own thoughts. Tell us what needs to be added or taken out. It will be a work in progress.

We want you to help us tell the story of this generation. Take our survey . Participate in our digital conversations. Write your own take on millennials via Rappler X . Nominate a bright young leader at the Move Awards – our annual effort to celebrate movers and shakers in different communities.

Help us pinpoint which issues are truly affecting millennials. Can we identify concrete solutions?

Help us honor those who turn passion and purpose to action through the Move Awards – so that they may encourage others to follow suit.

Help us create a better picture of who they are, and how their dreams will shape the future of this country.

Know a young leader who is making a difference in your community?

Nominate them for THE MOVE AWARDS 2016


Amplify your thoughts, help build your social media community. Together, we can collaborate on issues important to our society. Write on X!


Rappler’s Move Awards celebrates outstanding Filipinos who instigate change – not just for themselves, but also for others. Nominate a mover today .


We want to know how millennials describe themselves, how they define success, and what drives their ambitions. Take the survey HERE .

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