Persepi mengeluarkan Puskaptis, JSI dari keanggotaan

L Cui San, Ulma Haryanto

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Persepi expels Puskaptis, JSI; clears 5 other quick counts that showed Jokowi won

COUNTING VOTES. Ballot boxes being reading for national tabulation in Indonesia. Photo by AFP

(An English version of this story appears below)

JAKARTA, Indonesia – Perhimpunan Survei Opini Publik Indonesia (Persepi) tidak menemukan adanya kejanggalan pada lima lembaga survei yang memenangkan Joko “Jokowi” Widodo pada hasil hitung cepat pemilihan presiden 9 Juli lalu, dan mengeluarkan dua anggotanya yang memenangkan Prabowo Subianto karena menolak mengikuti proses audit.

“Bahwa lembaga survei yang diaudit telah melakukan pengambilan sampel secara ilmiah, meskipun ada variasi dalam cara pengambilan sampel,” kata anggota dewan etik Persepi Hamdi Muluk pada konferensi pers Persepi hari Rabu (16/7).   

Lima lembaga survei, yaitu Saiful Mujani Research Center (SMRC) yang bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI), Cyrus-CSIS, Indikator Politik Indonesia, Populi Center dan Pol Tracking Institute, meng-klaim kemenangan Joko Widodo – Jusuf Kalla atas Prabowo Subianto – Hatta Rajasa pada 50-53% dan 46-49%.

Mengenai dua anggota lainnya yaitu Puskaptis dan Jaringan Suara Indonesia (JSI), Persepi terpaksa mengambil tindakan tegas dengan mengeluarkan keduanya dari keanggotaan.

“Dengan tidak memenuhi panggilan untuk mempresentasikan hasil quick count maka Dewan Etik Persepi menganggap kedua lembaga tersebut tidak memiliki itikad baik untuk dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah,” lanjut Hamdi.

Direktur Puskaptis Husin Yazid diketahui mengirimkan pesan singkat kepada Hamdi Selasa (15/7) yang isinya menolak proses audit karena menurutnya hal itu hanya bisa dilakukan setelah KPU mengumumkan hasil resmi tanggal 22 Juli nanti.

Husin juga mempermasalahkan peran Saiful Mujani yang merupakan pendiri SMRC, sebagai anggota Dewan Etik Persepi.

“Audit harus dilakukan transparan dan independen tanpa ada intervensi, karena pasti tidak objektif badan etik Persepi melakukan audit sementara bos Saiful Mujani yang melakukan quick count ada di dalam anggota Dewan Etik,” kata Husin dalam pesan singkatnya.

Puskaptis juga meminta seluruh lembaga survei penyelenggara quick count untuk menandatangani pernyataan bersama bahwa lembaga survei yang salah dalam perhitungan quick count Pilpres lalu “siap dan harus dibubarkan”.

Bersama-sama dengan Indonesia Research Center (IRC) dan Lembaga Survei Nasional (LSN) keempat lembaga tersebut memenangkan Prabowo-Hatta dengan hasil 50-52% sementara Jokowi-JK pada 47-49%,

IRC dan LSN tidak diaudit karena bukan merupakan anggota Persepi.

Audit dilaksanakan dalam dua hari (15 dan 16 Juli) meliputi pemeriksaan metodologi hitung cepat, manajemen lembaga survei seperti pendanaan, dan data forensik.

Lebih lanjut Persepi juga menyimpulkan bahwa tidak ada kejanggalan dalam pengambilan data di lapangan karena kelima lembaga tersebut dapat menyertakan bukti-bukti seperti data organisasi, nama relawan, nomor telepon, dokumentasi lapangan dan bukti kehadiran relawan hitung cepat di tempat pemungutan suara (TPS).

Sementara itu Ketua Tim Pemenangan  Nasional Prabowo-Hatta, Mahfud MD, menyambut baik hasil audit Persepi.

Ya, bagus saja. Lembaga survei harus ditertibkan oleh komunitas survei sendiri. Agar survei itu benar-benar ilmiah, tidak partisan. Saya akademisi, jadi percaya pada survei,” kata Mahfud dalam pesan singkatnya kepada Rappler Rabu malam. 

“Tapi kalau sampai antar lembaga survei itu beda di luar batas toleransi, tentu ada yang tak beres. Itulah yang harus diluruskan agar integritas ilmiah tak ternoda,”jelasnya.

Komisioner KPU Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah mengatakan, pihaknya tidak akan menjatuhkan sanksi kepada lembaga survei yang mengeluarkan hasil hitung cepat yang berbeda dengan KPU.

English version:

Persepi expels Puskaptis, JSI

JAKARTA, Indonesia – The Indonesian Public Opinion Survey Association (Persepi) did not find anything wrong with the 5 quick counts that put Joko “Jokowi” Widodo ahead in the July 9 presidential election, and expelled 2 of its members that put Prabowo Subianto as leading due to their refusal to participate in an audit process.  

“The audited pollsters took samples in accordance with scientific methods, although there were variations in their sampling methodology,” a member of the Persepi ethics committee, Hamdi Muluk, said in press conference on Wednesday, July 16.

Five quick counts – carried out by Saiful Mudjani Research Center (SMRC) working with Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI), Cyrus-Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Indikator Politik Indonesia, Populi Center and Poltracking Institute – showed victory for Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla over Prabowo and Hatta Rajasa at 50-53% and 46-49%, respectively.

Persepi also concluded that there was no oddity in the field sampling done by the 5 institutions who found Jokowi to have won, as they were able to provide evidence such as organization data, volunteer names, telephone numbers, field documentation, and proof of quick count volunteer presence at the polling stations.

On the other hand, Persepi was forced to take tough measures against two of its members, Puskaptis and Jaringan Suara Indonesia (JSI), who declined to be audited, expelling both from the organization.

“By failing to heed the summon to present its quick count findings, the Persepi Ethical Committee considers the two institutions to not have good faith to account for their findings scientifically,” Hamdi explained.

Puskaptis Director Husin Yazid reportedly sent a short message to Hamdi on Tuesday, July 15, rejecting the audit process. According to him, only the General Election Commission (KPU) is authorized to perform such an audit after it announces the official result on July 22.

Husin also objected to the fact that Saiful Mujani, who founded SMRC, was a member of the Persepi Ethics Committee.

“The audit must be done transparently and independently without intervention, as it would certainly not be objective for the Persepi Ethics Committee to undertake the audit while boss Saiful Mujani, who did a quick count, sits on the Ethical Committee,” Husin wrote in his short message.

Puskaptis also appealed for all quick count pollsters to sign a pact that all survey institutions that made a mistake in the presidential election quick count to “be ready and must be disbanded”.

Together with the Indonesia Research Center (IRC) and National Survey Agency (LSN), Puskaptis and JSI put Prabowo-Hatta ahead at 50-52% and Jokowi-JK at 47-49%. IRC and LSN were not audited as they were not Persepi members.

The audit was conducted over 2 days (July 15-16), and covered the quick count methodology, management aspects such as funding, and forensic data.

The chairman of the National Prabowo-Hatta success team, Mahfud MD, welcomed the Persepi audit.

“It is good. Pollsters must regulated by the survey community itself. (This is) so that the surveys are scientific and non-partisan. I am an academic and I believe in surveying,” Mahfud said in a text message to Rappler on Wednesday night.

“But if (the results) among the survey institutes vary beyond tolerable margins, there must be something wrong. That is what needs to be clarified so scientific integrity is not tainted,” he explained.

Despite calls to do so, KPU commissioner Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah said his agency will not penalize pollsters whose results differ from the theirs. –

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