Fact checks

FACT CHECK: Philippine News Agency publishes report claiming ‘New Bataan 5’ were not massacred


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FACT CHECK: Philippine News Agency publishes report claiming ‘New Bataan 5’ were not massacred


The PNA article cited the group “Youth for Peace Movement” that is supposedly based in New Bataan, Davao de Oro to point out that the deaths ensued after an armed encounter between government forces and the New People’s Army (NPA).

news article published by the Philippine News Agency (PNA) last February 28 disputed the statement of Save Our Schools Network (SOS Network) that the deaths of Lumad volunteer teachers Chad Booc, Gelejurain Ngujo ll, and three others, collectively called the “New Bataan 5” last February 24 was a massacre.

The PNA article cited the group “Youth for Peace Movement” that is supposedly based in New Bataan, Davao de Oro to point out that the deaths ensued after an armed encounter between government forces and the New People’s Army (NPA). The PNA article further stated that Lumad schools are “breeding grounds of communist rebels,” accusing the killed volunteer teachers as NPA “recruiters.”


PNA publishes report claiming that the “New Bataan 5” were not massacred




To dispute the SOS Network’s statement that dubbed the killing of the “New Bataan 5” a “massacre,” the PNA article cited a statement from a youth organization supposedly based in the area where the incident occurred. However, a cursory reading of the statement shows that it did not provide any concrete evidence to disprove the massacre allegation, and instead resorted to anecdotal quotes.

Meanwhile, the SOS Network’s statement has already been supported by evidence and eyewitness accounts, including the text messages sent by Elgyn Balonga, a community health worker who is also one of the five massacre victims, the night before the incident happened. According to SOS Network, the volunteer teachers went to Davao de Oro to do a “survey and environment scanning of Lumad schools that were closed in Davao province” in preparation for the reopening of the schools.


The killing of volunteer teachers only adds to the long list of human rights abuses in recent years against educators and volunteers helping to keep Lumad schools open. Since 2017, over 500 Lumad schools have already been attacked by military forces, forcing students and school administrators to establish “Bakwit” (evacuation) schools in various parts of the country even before the COVID-19 pandemic ensued.

The PNA – a government-owned and publicly-funded news media company under the Presidential Communications Operations Office – was quick to release a report claiming that an armed encounter ensued in New Bataan despite the lack of evidence and without undergoing proper vetting and verification, prompting several groups to call for an independent probe– Maez Estrada and Joseph Gloria

This piece is republished with permission from Altermidya.

Altermidya Network is part of #FactsFirstPH which brings together various sectors that are committed to promoting truth in the public space, and exacting accountability on those who harm it with lies. For those interested to join the initiative, email info@factsfirst.ph.

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