5 habits to break: how thinking small can have a big price

Michaela Romulo

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5 habits to break: how thinking small can have a big price
Have you ever found yourself so focused on the little things in front of you, that you end up missing the big picture? Then you may be guilty of thinking small

MANILA, Philippines – One day at a time. Finish the easy tasks first. Gotta do my errands before I work on that big project. Just buy the cheapest.

Have you ever found yourself with these thoughts? 

Sometimes, we are programmed to firefight the small things that we miss the big picture.  

Be it your career, home life, personal growth, monthly expenses, and even relationships, this type of behavior can become a cycle. 

They become programs that we might find difficult to unlearn. So how do we break out of these “small” habits to become bigger at what we do and reap bigger rewards? 

1.Stay focused and avoid multitasking

We often view the ability to multitask as a good thing because it shows that you are able to handle so many things at the same time. Some prove to be successful at this, but most of us don’t fare too well. 

How many times at school or at work have you started doing one thing, put it down, and moved on to doing something else? Before you know it, the deadlines are right now and you have yet to accomplish anything. Then the quality of the work gets compromised. 

Good work needs time and dedication. Manage your schedule and learn to prioritize so that the small tasks don’t get in the way of your bigger goals.

Not only will your work improve, but with proper planning and foresight, you could free up your time even for some rest and fun, e.g., cracking open that bottle of wine you’ve been dying to drink after a long day of crunching deadlines.

2. Don’t sweat the small stuff

STOP WORRYING ABOUT THE LITTLE THINGS. Focus your energy on the things that matter.

We’ve all had those days that go so smoothly. Then suddenly one little hiccup comes along and the day is instantly ruined. This could be due to a small fight with a good friend, a passive aggressive remark from an officemate, endless traffic, or a sudden downpour of rain during the one day you forgot to bring your umbrella.

Yes you have the right to feel peeved but don’t let it ruin what was overall a perfectly enjoyable day. Let go of these small nuisances.

Tell yourself, if it’s not going to matter to you in a couple of days or even weeks, then, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” 

3.Buying small doesn’t mean big savings 

SACHET AWAY. Buying in bulk actually saves you more in the long run.

When living on a budget, we spend our money on things that appear cheaper. But did you know some things end up costing you more in the long run?

Enter the sachet culture of Filipinos. Nowadays, almost everything is available in sachets – toothpaste, laundry detergent, fabric conditioner, dishwashing liquid, cooking oil, and even liquor. The reason? They are cheap and they give consumers a false sense of control. 

However this is just all smoke and mirrors. What you don’t realize is that cost per use from sachets is actually more expensive than buying in bulk. Not to mention how these small purchases pile up on your monthly grocery bill. 

With buying things like your laundry detergent, choose bags. Your money goes a longer way and you lessen the number of shopping trips you need to make. 

4.Dream big, don’t sell yourself short 

DREAM BIG. Did anything grand ever happen to anyone that settled?

Sometimes we have small opinions of ourselves and our capabilities. We think lofty dreams are unattainable and can only be achieved by a select few. The truth is you are much more capable of doing things you thought you couldn’t. 

Set long term goals and don’t be afraid to dream big. Once you set the right intention, you can begin to work on the details that will help make that dream a reality. Sometimes, we think too little of ourselves that we miss out on our chance to accomplish great things.   

Ask yourself, “Was anything great ever achieved in history by people who didn’t have big dreams?” 

5. Step out of your comfort zone

Was anything great ever achieved in history by people who didn’t have big dreams?

It’s pretty easy to fall into a daily routine.  

You stay in a job you don’t really love because you are comfortable and enjoy the steady income. You don’t feel the need to meet new people because you are happy with the number of friends that you have (half of which are probably virtual). 

You become so focused on the daily grind that you neglect the importance of trying out new things, visiting new places, and thinking outside of the box.  

Book a spontaneous trip and try traveling alone for a change. Go to a party where you don’t really know anyone and force yourself to socialize.

When things don’t seem to be going your way, take the time to pause. Step back from the situation. Maybe you just need to shift gears and think big! –Rappler.com

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