Listen to your body: Why hydrate?

Adrianna Mejia

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Listen to your body: Why hydrate?
Here’s why it’s important to hydrate before, during, and after working out or playing sports

MANILA, Philippines – It’s important to stay hydrated, especially during hot summer days.

When the weather is warm, it can be quite a challenge to get up and sweat it out when you can easily do it even while staying put.

Playing sports or working out makes you sweat. This is your body’s way of maintaining the perfect temperature. Heat is removed from the body when sweat evaporates, which also leads to loss of body fluid. In order for your body to perform at its best, you need to replace the loss of body fluid through rehydration.

Exercising and keeping fit is not just about how well you perform every drill or rep, or beating your personal best in each try. It’s also about taking care of your body and giving importance to refueling and nourishment. If you don’t take care of your body, then you won’t be able to reach optimal performance and reap the benefits of staying active.

This is why it’s important to hydrate before, during, and after exercise. If you’re playing your favorite sport or lifting weights in the gym, always listen to your body. If you feel thirsty, this already means that you’re dehydrated. Be aware of how your body reacts when you workout, play sports, or perform any other physical activity that makes you sweat more. Pay extra attention for activities done under the sun’s heat.

Drink enough water every day and drink a sports drink with electrolytes, especially if you’re playing a sport that lasts longer than an hour.

Plain water is gold, but a little help from a sports drink can replace the sodium lost after sweating it out.

Here are important things to remember when it comes to rehydrating, refueling, and replenishing what is lost. –

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