Selena Gomez battling Lupus –report

Carol RH Malasig

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The pop star recently cancelled the Australian leg of her tour

MANILA, Philippines – Pop star Selena Gomez, who recently cancelled the Australian leg of her tour, is suffering from the autoimmune disease Lupus, a celebrity gossip website said Sunday, December 29. quoted a reliable source as saying, “Selena has been going full throttle the past few years and her Lupus is really catching up with her right now.”

“She knows that she needs to take some time to address the disease and look after herself better if she wants to live a full and healthy life,” the source added. 

Earlier, the same site reported that Selena was canceling her tour “to spend some time on herself” after being on the road for 6 months. Fans later on speculated that she needed to recuperate from her recent split with boyfriend of two years, Justin Bieber.

If the rumor is true, Selena is battling a disease that also plagued other celebrities and famous personalities, who blamed the disease on extreme stress.

Here are 5 famous people who had and are currently battling lupus:


Ferdinand Marcos

The late dictator died due to systemic lupus erythematosus in 1989.

Michael Jackson

American journalist John Randall Anthony Taraborrelli’s biography of the late King of Pop stated that aside from being diagnosed with vitiligo, Jackson also had lupus. Both diseases made him sensitive to sunlight and his constant exposure to it caused the Lupus’ recurrence.

Toni Braxton

The R&B singer revealed that she is battling the disease at the 8th Annual Lupus LA Bag Ladies Luncheon. She was there to accept an achievement award and to raise funds and awareness of the disease.


Ever wondered why Seal had those scars on his face? It’s because he battled discoid Lupus in his childhood. This type of Lupus also causes sun sensitivity and hair loss.

Lady Gaga

The pop diva announced on Larry King that she was tested “borderline positive” for Lupus. She added that the disease, which can also be transferred genetically is prevalent in her family. To avoid complications, she has been advised by doctors to live a healthier lifestyle.


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