WATCH: Michael Fassbender in first ‘Assassin’s Creed’ trailer

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WATCH: Michael Fassbender in first ‘Assassin’s Creed’ trailer
The first trailer of the video game adaptation is out and sees Michael Fassbender's character do gravity-defying stunts

MANILA, Philippines – Michael Fassbender gets into action in the first trailer of the film adaptation of popular video game Assassin’s Creed.

Fassbender plays both Callum Lynch and Aguilar, united by blood but separated by centuries. Aguilar lives in the era of the Spanish Inquisition, 500 years back, so Callum would “see, feel, and hear” the memories of his ancestor through a sophisticated piece of technology called the Animus.

As Aguilar, he would leap from one roof to another on ancient buildings – just like modern-day parkour. In his time in the past, Callum discovers that he descends from an clandestine society called the Assassins, and uses the knowledge he gathers to defeat an oppressive enemy, the Templars, in the present day.

The film adaptation of Assassin’s Creed, a video game franchise which premiered in 2007, stars Fassbender and Marion Cotillard. It is helmed by Justin Kurzel who also directed the two in Macbeth (2015). 

Other members of the cast include Jeremy Irons (Alfred in Batman v Superman), Brendan Gleeson (Alastor Moody in Harry Potter), Michael Kenneth Williams, Ariane Labed, and Callum Turner.

The film is set to hit cinemas this year. –

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