Twenty One Pilots to perform in Manila

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Twenty One Pilots to perform in Manila
Details of their two-day show here

MANILA, Philippines  –Twenty One Pilots, an Ohio-based duo, is coming to Manila to perform at the Ayala Alabang Town Center on July 18 and on Trinoma on July 19.

Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun are know for their singles such as “Ride,” “Fairly Local,” and  “Stressed Out.” They will also promote their new album Blurryface.




Formed in Columbus, Ohio in 2009, Twenty One Pilots was started by a group of college friends composed of Tyler Joseph, Nick Thomas and Chris Salih. In 2010 they released an original song called “Time to Say Goodbye” and a cover of Cristina Perri’s “Jar of Hearts.”

In 2011, Chris and Nick left the group due to busy schedules and Tyler was later joined by Josh Dun. In July 2011, Twenty One Pilots released the album Regional At Best. Another album, Vessel, came after.

They have also performed in music festivals and the 2014 MTV Movie Awards. –


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