Samsung teases its next big thing

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Samsung teases its next big reveal on Twitter

SAMSUNG'S NEW GALAXY? Samsung teases its next big thing. Photo from Samsung Mobile US Twitter.

MANILA, Philippines – In a bid to increase the hype surrounding the upcoming Galaxy SIV reveal, Samsung posted a teaser image of what could be their next flagship smartphone.

A tweet from @SamsungMobileUS puts their new product in the shadows, with dramatic lighting effects making visible the Samsung brand name.

While most are inclined to believe Samsung’s teaser image represents the Galaxy S IV, there is at least one person who points otherwise.

Twitter user @vladsavov has his own theory, putting up a slightly enhanced image of the Samsung teaser against a Galaxy S III. He writes, “Samsung is either teasing the GS4 with an image of the GS III or the design has been left unchanged.”

Samsung also released the second in a series of videos, starring a young boy, Jeremy Maxwell – who in a previous video was given a box containing the new phone to take home and protect during the count down to the launch. In the video the kid looks into the box, and speaking to his dog describes the phone as, “pretty irresistible” saying “it will blow you away.” The boy also says, “it’s my faviorite color” hinting that the phone could come in more than one color. 

The Samsung Galaxy S4 is rumored to have an 8-core processor, a 4.99 Super Amoled display, 2GB of RAM, a 13 megapixel camera on its rear and a 2 front facing megapixel camera. 

Don’t miss Rappler’s Live Blog from Samsung’s Unpacked Event on March 15, 2013 we start at 7am. –


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