Xbox 360 games will soon play on the Xbox One

Victor Barreiro Jr.

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Xbox 360 games will soon play on the Xbox One
The feature, coming this holiday season, lets players play specific Xbox 360 games they've previously owned on their new console

MANILA, Philippines – At its E3 keynote on Monday, June 15 (June 16, Manila time), Microsoft revealed that it was bringing backwards compatibility to the Xbox One gaming console, allowing gamers to play a stable of Xbox 360 games on the current-generation device.

The feature, which is slated to go live this holiday season, will allow players to access their digital collection of Xbox 360 games on the Xbox One.

Users can also play specific games by inserting a disc and then downloading the games they already own.

A stable of 100 games is said to be available at launch, with the first list of supported games available on a newly released page on the Xbox website. –

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Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr is part of Rappler's Central Desk. An avid patron of role-playing games and science fiction and fantasy shows, he also yearns to do good in the world, and hopes his work with Rappler helps to increase the good that's out there.