18 hurt in workers’ riot


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WORST OUTBREAK. Two police cars flipped to their sides remain in the street after a riot broke out in Singapore, in the early hours of December 9, 2013. A riot broke out among South Asian workers in Singapore late in the night of December 8, damaging police cars and other vehicles in the city state's Little India district. Photo by Roslan Rahman/AFP

Hundreds of South Asian workers rioted late Sunday, December 8, after being enraged by a fatal road accident, leaving 18 people injured and police vehicles burnt in the city-state’s worst outbreak of violence in more than 40 years. The disturbance started in the congested Little India district when a 33-year-old Indian man was killed after being hit by a private bus. Police said about 400 people on the scene began rioting, attacking the bus as well as police vehicles after officers responded to reports of a commotion. A total of 27 South Asian workers were arrested on charges of rioting, which is punishable by up to seven years in prison plus caning.

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