Gov’t clueless on int’l standards for bunkhouses

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FINISHED BUNKHOUSES. These structures serve as temporary shelters for Yolanda survivors in Barangay 62, Tacloban City. Photo by LeANNE Jazul

The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) built bunkhouses for survivors of typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) without knowing there’s an international benchmark for this kind of humanitarian response. DPWH Secretary Rogelio Singson made this admission following criticism from humanitarian groups which said the bunkhouses were too cramped and would not protect survivors from future disasters. Singson said it was his first time – on January 7 – to read the standards int he Sphere Handbook, a widely recognized benchmark for humanitarian response. He explained that the DPWH had not been part of the talks of the Shelter Cluster, a grouping of United Nations agencies that coordinate humanitarian shelter.

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