Mandela not on life support but unable to speak

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'QUITE ILL.' A file picture dated 20 July 2005 shows Nobel Peace Prize winner and iconic political prisoner Nelson Mandela during his birthday party at the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund, Johannesburg, South Africa. EPA/Kim Ludbrook

South Africa’s Nelson Mandela remains “quite ill” and is unable to speak, using facial expressions to communicate as he receives intensive medical care at home, his former wife said. Winnie Madikizela-Mandela said the 95-year-old was not on life support but he was no longer talking “because of all the tubes that are in his mouth to clear (fluid from) the lungs.” Mandela was discharged on September 1 to his home in Johannesburg’s upmarket Houghton suburb after nearly 3 months in hospital for a lung infection.

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