Foreign elements may be behind Libya attack: assembly chief

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(UPDATED) Foreign elements could be involved in the deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya's assembly head says

BENGHAZI, Libya (UPDATED) – Libya’s assembly head, Mohammed al-Megaryef, said on Saturday, September 15, that foreign elements could be involved in the deadly attack on the US consulate in the coastal city of Benghazi.

“There are non-Libyan elements on Libyan soil and they plan to carry out their own agendas on our territory,” the General National Congress president told AFP in an interview.

He noted that the siege was planned and “meticulously executed.”

“I don’t want to talk about what happened in other countries but as for Libya, the operation was meticulously executed,” the assembly chief said of the wave of protests across the world over a US-produced film mocking Islam.

“There was planning. It was not a peaceful protest which degenerated into an armed attack or aggression. That’s how it was planned,” he said.

US ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed on Tuesday, September 11, when suspected Islamic militants fired on the consulate in the eastern Libyan city with rocket-propelled grenades and set it ablaze. –, with reports from Agence France-Presse

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