Russian lower house ratifies treaty on taking Crimea

Agence France-Presse

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Russian lower house of parliament ratifies a treaty to take Crimea

HAPPY WITH RESULTS. People gather at Lenin Square after the end of the referendum in Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine, March 16, 2014. 96.6% of Crimeans voted for the Ukrainian region's accession to Russia in a controversial referendum on March 16. Photo by Yuri Kochetkov/EPA

MOSCOW, Russia (UPDATED) – Russia’s lower house of parliament on Thursday, March 20, ratified in a rubber stamp vote the treaty incorporating Crimea into Russian territory, in defiance of the international community’s insistence that the peninsula is part of Ukraine.

Just one deputy in the State Duma lower house voted against approving the treaty, which was signed on Tuesday, March 18, by President Vladimir Putin and Crimea’s leaders. The Duma also approved a new law on the absorption of Crimea into Russia.

The treaty and law still need to be rubber-stamped by the upper house Federation Council on Friday, March 21. However the Kremlin has said that it considers Crimea part of Russia since the signing of the treaty on Tuesday. –

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