Marcos Jr. administration

Paul Soriano resigns as presidential adviser – PCO

Bonz Magsambol

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Paul Soriano resigns as presidential adviser – PCO

PAUL SORIANO. Presidential Adviser on Creative Communications Paul Soriano in a photo released on December 1, 2017.

Paul Soriano's Instagram

(1st UPDATE) Presidential Communications Office Secretary Cheloy Garafil says there is 'no replacement for the role of Presidential Adviser on Creative Communications for now'

MANILA, Philippines – Paul Soriano has resigned from his position as presidential adviser on creative communications, Presidential Communications Office (PCO) Secretary Cheloy Garafil confirmed Thursday night, November 9.

Editor’s Note: In earlier versions of this story, the name of PCO Secretary Cheloy Garafil was misspelled. This has been corrected.

“Presidential Adviser Paul Soriano took a well-deserved break to spend time with his family and newborn daughter. He has since submitted his resignation to prioritize his personal commitments,” Garafil told reporters.

Garafil said that there was “no replacement for [his] role” at the moment.

News on Soriano’s resignation buzzed during the Senate plenary deliberations for the proposed 2024 budget of the Office of the President (OP) on Thursday morning. Pimentel wanted to know which agency funded the Department of Tourism’s slogan.

“Wala na ba siya ngayon? (He’s no longer there?),” Pimentel asked referring to Soriano. “Wala na po (Not anymore),” said Senator Sonny Angara, who sponsored the OP budget.

“So it was not a certain presidential adviser kung ganoon (if that’s the case),” Pimentel said.

In July, Soriano took a leave without citing specifics.

Must Read

Marcos godson Paul Soriano goes on ‘leave’ as adviser 

Marcos godson Paul Soriano goes on ‘leave’ as adviser 

Soriano was appointed to the post in October 2022. Soriano said his role involved helping other government agencies craft their communications plan. Soriano was also a frequent member of presidential delegations during official overseas trips of the President. 

The director played a pivotal role in Marcos’ 2022 election campaign – crafting his television and online campaign ads. Soriano’s wife, TV personality and actress Toni Gonzaga, was also among Marcos’ biggest celebrity campaigners. 

Soriano was initially slated to direct the SONA for the second time on July 24, but the task was later reassigned to Radio Television Malacañang or RTVM. –

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Bonz Magsambol

Bonz Magsambol covers the Philippine Senate for Rappler.