foodpanda provides free food to frontliners

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foodpanda provides free food to frontliners
They partnered with several restaurants in Baguio, Cebu, and Cagayan de Oro to bring warm meals and refreshments to healthcare frontliners in hospitals and checkpoints

[Editor’s note: foodpanda is supporting healthcare workers in the fight against COVID-19 by providing free food and refreshments. Below is their press release.]

MANILA, PHILIPPINES – To show foodpanda’s appreciation and gratitude in keeping the community safe and healthy, the food delivery services worked with local government units and restaurant partners such as Cafe Cueva in Baguio, Sisig Bar, Ron’s Tea Shop, Infuso Coffee Outlet and Little India Healthy Cuisine in Cebu, SeaCakes Sweet Treats, Gabby’s Café PotsiCat & Co., and Echostore in Cagayan de Oro to bring warm meals to hundreds of healthcare frontliners in hospitals and checkpoints across 13 cities. 

“During this difficult time, we would like to show our frontline healthcare workers how much we value their perseverance and hard work. We at foodpanda, along with our partners, delivered love and some food for our brave heroes fighting the coronavirus disease 2019 in the country right now,” said Camille Hadjeri, foodpanda’s Managing Director. 

foodpanda, together with its restaurant partners and riders, maintains its mission to make good food more accessible to everyone and support the hardworking healthcare workers by delivering the meals they love. They aim to visit and send out food and refreshments to more hospitals and checkpoints in the coming days. –


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