Hangout: Motherhood in the modern world

Krista Garcia

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Hangout: Motherhood in the modern world
Are there magic tricks to raising kids? 4 super-cool moms weigh in

MANILA, Philippines – Being a parent today is very different from what it was 50 years ago. Or is it?

Parenthood 2015 comes with a load of demands: heavier work schedules, children who seem to grow up too fast, and a world that’s changing every second. On the other hand, now there are also hacks, technologies, and conveniences that make being a mom or dad today easier than ever.

Sometimes, as parents, it’s nice to step back and see how far we’ve become – and look forward to what else we can do to make everything better.

We invited 4 creative, hardworking, modern moms to share their thoughts and tips on motherhood: how they juggle work and family, how they raise their kids, and what touches they add to keep the house cozy and comfy for everyone.

Our guests were:

  • Janice Villanueva, a mother of three, entrepreneur, events communication professional, and founder of Mommy Mundo and Mommy Matters;
  • Isoebelle Romero-Consulta, a mother of two and a visual artist; and
  • Cherry Valenzuela Mendoza, a mother of one and legal counsel for Petron.

The hangout was hosted by model, editor and mom, Sarah Meier. Watch the live stream right on this page and follow us on Twitter to join the conversation. –

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