In control: Career women and nurturing their home

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In control: Career women and nurturing their home
Know more about a working mother and how she can stay her best beautiful throughout motherhood

MANILA, Philippines – Filipino working mothers have a lot on their plates nowadays. The management of the household is usually delegated to them, while they continue to strive to attain personal career goals.

Filipinas, as with most women, are great in multi-tasking and it is their objective to be able to attend to all their priorities in life without letting one aspect suffer. 

Motherhood and having a career is a handful but they never settle when it comes to their health and how they look. A woman’s appearance affects her level of confidence and how she is able to face the day.

If you’re a working mother, realize that it’s also important to take care of yourself and putting others’ needs before your own may not always be a good thing. In order to provide for your family and continue chasing your dreams, you must be at your best and healthy.

Just because you have a busy schedule or a stressful day, you should still make the effort to look and feel your best beautiful.

Get to know working mothers more, and how they can continue to be their best beautiful with the infographic below. –




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