#StartMoNa: Seizing new possibilities

Adrianna Mejia

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#StartMoNa: Seizing new possibilities
Join our conversation on Sunday, September 21 at 4pm and tell us what you want to start and why

MANILA, Philippines – If you couldn’t fail, what would you do?

Many things, among them fear of failure, stop us from making that first step. Don’t you just wish you had the time, energy and money to start anything you wanted?

In a survey commissioned by Rappler, young adults in NCR say they want to start a business, continue their studies or start a new hobby. However, there are hindrances that discourage them.

The reality is it’s not easy. In order to succeed in something you’ve started, you need to commit to it.

We held our #StartMoNa conversation last Sunday, September 21 at 4 pm and here are some thoughts and ideas shared with us. Read the tweets below! – Rappler.com


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