CONVERSATION: The way we played

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CONVERSATION: The way we played
On Saturday, November 22, let's talk about our favorite memories of playtime

MANILA, Philippines – Remember when you learned to ride a bike without training wheels? How about when you finally tagged that quicker, older playmate in a game of patintero?

When we were children, playtime was filled with milestones like these: active experiences that helped us develop life skills like confidence, teamwork, and friendship. 

However, the scenario today is a little different. The way most kids indulge in playtime may actually be more harmful than beneficial. Kids are playing outdoors less often and have become preoccupied with gadgets or high-end toys. As a result, they are are missing out on the various psychological and physical benefits of active play.

It’s time to bring back the fun in playtime. But how should we do it? We’d like to hear your suggestions. 

On Saturday, November 22, Rappler and Nestle CHUCKIE are hosting an online conversation about the good old playtime that parents and adults enjoyed. Take a trip down memory lane and tell us: what were your favorite playground games as a kid? What childhood joys would you like your own children to rediscover? How are you making sure that your kid gets enough physical activity every day?

This conversation happened last November 22 from 1:30 to 3:00 pm through the hashtag #BringBackFun. –

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