mobile phones

Elevate your style with the new vivo Y20i

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Elevate your style with the new vivo Y20i
The phone comes in two eye-catching colors: Dawn White and Nebula Blue

[Editor’s Note: vivo showcases the unique colors of its newest phone. vivo Y20i is available for pre-order before its official release on October 4. Below is their press release.]

Even if it’s packed with a powerful processor, innovative gaming technology, and industry-standard camera setup, the vivo Y20i is elegantly designed with eye-popping colors on a lightweight body.

New vivo Y20i sure to elevate your style
DAWN WHITE. Photo courtesy of vivo.

The latest addition to the best-selling Y-series boasts two stunning color options that are sure to complement and even elevate modern lifestyles. 

Dawn White is a bright and lively hue inspired by soft morning horizons. With this dazzling design that exhibits an outpouring of light, the smartphone invites users to brighten the world with their style every day.

Nebula Blue, on the other hand, was inspired by the deep universe. This blue and purple gradient design inspires users to explore their imagination and unleash their creativity.

New vivo Y20i sure to elevate your style
NEBULA BLUE. Photo courtesy of vivo.

The sleek and lightweight body of the smartphone makes it ergonomically designed to fit comfortably in a user’s hand as well. The vivo Y20i weighs approximately 192.3g with dimensions of 164.41×76.32×8.41mm.  

The Android 10-powered smartphone also contains a side-mounted fingerprint scanner and Face Unlock technology for convenient phone unlocking and an unhampered view of its magnificent rear design.

The vivo Y20i is available for pre-order until its official release on October 4 through the official vivo Shopee store, the official vivo Lazada store, or through vivo concept stores, exhibits, kiosks, and multi-brand stores nationwide.

Pre-order today and get premium headphones plus an adorable “little V” USB night-light. To learn more about the Y20i, visit –

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