Who is the new Pinoy traveler?

Jules Matabuena

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Who is the new Pinoy traveler?
For starters, he or she prefers more meaningful trips than simply getting as many stamps on their passports as possible

MANILA, Philippines – Nowadays, more Pinoys seem to prefer quality over quantity when it comes to travel.

We say this because, in 2018, Rappler ran on its website two surveys that sought to gather insights on the travel habits of Filipinos – one in May and another one in October. The results of both surveys tell us one thing clearly: that the Filipinos of today are a well-traveled bunch that prefers meaningful trips more than simply going to as many places as possible.

Below, we break down these traits to paint a picture of the new Pinoy traveler based on information shared by Rappler readers.

Empowered by tech

Digital technology democratized travel. Would you believe that our smartphones and internet connectivity have brought or will bring us to our next big destination? You should – especially if you have bought an airline ticket, purchased a tour package, or booked accommodations through a website or an app at least once.

Per the results of the October survey, more than half of the 3,026 respondents say that they usually arrange the logistics of their trips by booking things by themselves either by using online apps and booking services (39%) or by calling terminals and hotels (12%).

In contrast, a total of 31% rely on others to make arrangements for them, whether it be through travel agents (9%) or friends or relatives (22%).

It’s not really a stretch, then, to say that tech has helped Pinoys feel more independent and confident about reaching their travel goals. Planning our next great trip is now a cinch – we could even be lounging in our rooms in our pambahay, or even riding the UV Express to work as we do it.


In Filipino culture, family comes first. This statement turns out to be true when it comes to travel, too. Say, if there’s an upcoming long weekend and they have the chance to go on a trip, 52% of the respondents of the May survey said that they would want to go with their families.

In case you’re curious: friends only come second at 18%, followed by flying solo at 16% and with a significant other at 14%.

Loves lokal

Chances are, most of us tend to look outside the country when it comes to putting items on our respective travel bucket lists. See the Eiffel Tower, trek to the Machu Picchu, see the cherry blossoms in Japan, go on a food trip in Hong Kong, and so on.

But the reality is that the Philippines remain the top destination for local travelers (55% of respondents of the May survey), particularly for those looking into going out during a long weekend, albeit with just a slight difference from locations within and outside Asia (22% and 23%, respectively).


There are creatures of habit who don’t mind visiting places that are already familiar to them, and then there are those who are always on the lookout for the unfamiliar – and it turns out that a lot of Pinoy travelers fall under the latter.

Sure, Pinoys travel to celebrate occasions (4% of the respondents of the May survey), to uphold barkada or family traditions (5% and 7%, respectively), to tick off items on their bucket lists (12%), or to take a break from the daily grind (33%). But for the majority, experiencing new things when traveling is the number one priority.

Likes to pamper oneself

For all the hard work we’ve been putting in, we do deserve an occasional treat in the form of a trip every once in a while.

The question is: what do Pinoys commonly do when they reach their destination?

For close to half the number of respondents of the May survey or 49%, traveling is for relaxing and unwinding. Sightseeing comes second at 26%, followed by going on a food trip (11%), visiting family (7%), taking selfies (4%), and visiting friends (3%).

Given all these, we’d like to be bold and predict that this year will be the year of quality travels. With Filipinos becoming more and more informed, discerning, daring, and independent, it’s no longer just about ticking places off bucket lists and getting as many stamps as one can on their passport.

This time around, make it a point to travel more and make it great. Kick start your plans by heading to The Great Travel Sale happening at the following venues and dates:

MANILA: SM Aura Premier, SMX Convention Center on May 31 to June 2, 2019
CEBU: SM City Cebu Northwing Atrium on June 21 to 23, 2019
DAVAO: The Atrium, SM Lanang Premier on June 28 to 30, 2019
BACOLOD: SM City Bacolod Main Atrium on July 12 to 14, 2019.

Visit https://www.bdo.com.ph/personal/credit-cards-promos/view/great-bdo-travel-sale for more details!

So, where will you be traveling to next? – Rappler.com

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