Symposium features Japanese architecture

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Symposium features Japanese architecture
The University of Santo Tomas' Architecture Network will hold its 8th National Architecture Symposium, which will feature Japanese architects

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MANILA, Philippines – The UST Architecture Network (ARCHINET) invites all architecture students and practicing professionals to the 8th National Architecture Symposium, happening on April 23 at the SMX Convention Center Hall 1 and 2. Registration will start at 8 am.

ARCHINET is a recognized student organization of the Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas based in the College of Architecture that is dedicated towards architectural professionalism and global.

They focus on bridging and expanding the network of individuals to local and international schools as well as renowned experts in the field of architecture.

Every year, ARCHINET features prominent architects around the world through its National Architecture Symposium.

Celebrating its 10th anniversary, this year’s National Architecture Symposium: Evolving Paradigms will showcase three of Japan’s most illustrious Architects: Kengo Kuma, Fumihiko Maki and Takaharu Tezuka. –

For inquiries and ticket reservations, you can visit the Facebook page, our website, e-mail or contact Sarah Pallarca at 0917 810 8436 and Clark Kiac at 0922 830 6914.

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