Weather Philippines trains Rappler staff on ‘Weather 101’

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The training seminar helped participants understand the basic concepts, processes and effects of different weather disturbances

WEATHER PLUS. Rappler staff get a refresher course on the concepts and processes of weather disturbances from Weather Philippines Foundation. Photo contributed by WPF

MANILA, Philippines – Weather Philippines Foundation, Inc. (WPF) recently conducted its Weather 101 and Tropical Cyclone 101 training seminars for staff of Rappler and the secretariat of the League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP).

Some 14 Rappler staff and 7 members of the LCP Secretariat attended the seminars, held separately for Rappler and LCP last January and February, respectively.  Also present at the trainings were Celso Caballero III, General Manager, and Maria Ressa, Rappler’s Chief Executive Officer.

The training seminars aimed to help participants understand the basic concepts, processes and effects of different weather disturbances and rain-producing weather systems in the country so that they can create their own disaster preparedness programs to reduce the impacts of weather-related disasters.

Feedback on the trainings was positive. “The sessions were refreshing. It’s funny because most of the things that were discussed were topics in grade school and high school. But it’s been years, so of course we forgot all about those already. It’s just as important for old dogs to relearn new tricks,” said Bea Cupin, a reporter for Rappler. –

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