education in the Philippines

Manila Studies Association to hold conference from November 17 to 18

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Manila Studies Association to hold conference from November 17 to 18
PRESS RELEASE: Co-sponsored by the Philippine National Historical Society with the support of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, the event will have a total of 14 paper presentations of studies on Manila and its environs

This is a press release from the Manila Studies Association.

The Manila Studies Association (MSA) is holding the 31st edition of the Manila Studies Conference on November 17 to 18, 2023, at the Auditorium of the Manila Metropolitan Theater.

Co-sponsored by the Philippine National Historical Society with the support of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), the event will have a total of 14 paper presentations of studies on Manila and its environs.

These include:

  • “The Magellan’s Dream” by Javier Galvan of Instituto Cervantes-Manila
  • “The Archaeology of Metro Manila” by Victor Paz
  • “Moralization and Everyday Resistance: The Case of Sidewalk Vendors in the City of Manila” by Reynold Agnes of the Far Eastern University-Manila
  • “Felix Rojas: The First Filipino Architect” by Lorelei de Viana of the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman and the University of Santo Tomas (UST)
  • “Preliminary Notes on Centering Manila in the Production of Missionary Normativities for the China Catholic Missions, 17th Century” by Argene Clasara of the University of St. Joseph, Macau
  • “BTS and the Making of Power, Fashion, Modernity: The Ternos of the Benilde Collection” by Gerry Torres of the De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde
  • “Adobe Stone, and its Quarries in Greater Manila and the Nearby Provinces” by Rona Repancol of UST
  • “’White Plague’ in the City: The Tuberculosis Problem in Postwar Manila, 1945-1950” by Jerome Jaime of UST
  • “The Beginning and Expansion of the Missionary Society of St. Columban in Malate, Manila (1929-1980)” by Lourbelle Arafol of UST
  • “The Topographía de la Ciudad de Manila, a map taken by the British in 1762” by Regalado Trota Jose, former archivist of the Archivo de la Universidad de Santo Tomas
  • “Lamyerda as Tropical Flirtation: Navigating Tondo and its Queer Archipelago” by Ferdinand Lopez of the University of Toronto
  • “An Analysis of the Imageability of Ethnic Enclaves in Manila, Philippines for Culturally Sustainable Design and Development” by Melodia Sampan and company of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines Manila
  • “The Met at a Glance” by Carlo Ramirez of NCCA

Registration fee for this year’s conference for the general public is P1,000 from the normal rate of P3,500. Undergraduate students shall only pay P500.

For more information, contact EA Sembrano ( and Rona Repancol ( –

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