WATCH: Emma Watson beatboxes with ‘Hamilton’ creator Lin-Manuel Miranda

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WATCH: Emma Watson beatboxes with ‘Hamilton’ creator Lin-Manuel Miranda
Emma Watson joins forces with 'Hamilton' creator, Lin-Manuel Miranda, to help spread a message about gender equality

MANILA, Philippines – Although Emma Watson might be popular for playing Hermione in the Harry Potter movies, she has also gained recognition as an advocate for gender equality.

As the United Nations (UN) Women Global Goodwill Ambassador, she launched a campaign called #HeForShe in 2014 – which calls on men and boys all over the world to take up the cause for gender equality. (READ: Emma Watson to men: Gender equality is your issue, too)

“It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals. We should stop defining each other by what we are not, and start defining ourselves by who we are,” she said at the launch.

To help spread the message of the campaign, she took on the challenge of beatboxing and teamed up with Lin-Manuel Miranda, who freestyle rapped.

Lin-Manuel is the creator of the hit Grammy-winning Broadway musical, Hamilton.

“Women are half of the people on earth, and yes, they should’ve been our equals since birth – that means all day, every day, equal pay, every way, okay? Are we really okay?” Lin-Manuel raps, as Emma turns into an amazing human drum kit.

Lin Manuel continues, “Oh my gosh! Yo, this beatbox is fantastic! Beasts, where to find them? Yo, I’m drastically changing the narrative!”

“Oh my gosh. I love watching this keep flowing!” he continues to spit, before stopping: “Holy cow, this is such a meme! Thank you. This is the beat box dream team.”

“I’m literally the color of a tomato,” said Emma, who was visibly embarassed as they ended. “These are the lengths I would go to for gender equality.” –

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