BB Gandanghari is slaying it in the US

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BB Gandanghari is slaying it in the US
She's working as an Uber driver, while making her dreams come true

MANILA, Philippines – It’s been a while since we’ve seen BB Gandanghari in a new film, but according to her brother, Robin Padilla, she is currently moonlighting as an Uber driver while she pursues a Hollywood career.

So far, it seems to be going well for the actress and transgender icon, who recently signed with the Brogan Agency, a boutique talent agency that represents actors, models, writers, and musicians.

Like any aspiring Hollywood actress, BB’s also been busy attending open casting calls…

…and snapping fabulous selfies in between auditions.

#auditioning…. @thebroganagency #lacasting #castingfrontier #actorsaccess #allroadsleadtohollywood

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At the same time, she continues to indulge in her passion for fashion.

#fittingroom #holidaysarecoming

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She shows the world how to do holiday chic.

#fashionstatement: feeling chic this holidays….#anytimeanywherefittingroom

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She also continues to keep fit in the most fabulous way, by hooping.

BB has been in the US since 2016, when she legally changed her name and

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