One-legged triathlete inspires Facebook users

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MANILA, Philippines – “What’s your excuse this time?”

This is what Facebook users asked in their comments and posts as they reacted on and shared the inspiring photo of a one-legged runner while in the heat of competing in a triathlon two weeks ago.

The photo, taken by Facebook user Gregie Pamakid, shows disabled swimmer Arnel Navales Aba hopping off the water in a triathlon event in Subic.

He was joined in the picture by known athletes Noy Jopson and Alaska Milk president and CEO Wilfred Steven Uytengsu Jr.. Former triathlete champ Jopson and former national swimmer Uytengsu are both seen surprised with Aba in their sight.

Aba is joined in the race by biker Godfrey Taberna and runner Isidro Vildosola, both also disabled. The trio competed under the Wetshop Para-Tri team.


In a video interview that Aba posted on his Facebook wall, he said this was his first triathlon in open water where swimming was not the challenge but emerging from the sea was.

“My foot sank in the sand and so did my metal crutches,” he recounted. Aba was a former jeepney driver who lost his right leg in a vehicular accident.


He said he pursued the race for a purpose. “I am doing this to show to the abled ones who look at us, the disabled, as useless. I would like to show that we can do some of what they can do. I also want to encourage the other disabled to not to be shy and just show off whatever talents they have.”

“I am swimming becasue I want to get over a phobia. I almost drowned why I was 8 years old. Then when I lost my leg, my doctor said swimming is the best therapy. So I want to show that water is not just good for exercise but a good friend too. “


As of the writing, the Facebook photo has already garnered 85 likes, and was shared 25 times since it was posted on June 26. The photo, as well as the team’s story, was also featured in the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

The team “completed the Olympic distance—1.5-kilometer swim, 40K bike and 10K run—with a time of 2 hours, 31 minutes and 30 seconds,” according to the news feature.

With all the publicity it is getting, the photo is expected to inspire more internet users and get more admiration.

What about you? What do you think of the photo? Share it to us through our Facebook and Twitter pages.

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