#AyokoSaTaong: Revealing Pinoys’ pet peeves

Rappler Social Media Team

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What characteristics in people annoy Filipinos the most?

MANILA, Philippines – Try as we might to see the very best in every person, there are just some people whose personalities we can’t stand, right? It’s not a bad thing; every person is different, and some things we love about certain people may be the pet peeves of others. 

That said, it’s a good thing social media’s here to help us vent about the people who get on our nerves, at least passive-aggressively!

In the past week, the hashtag #AyokoSaTaong trended locally on Twitter. Netizens start their tweets off with the phrase “Ayoko sa taong,” (translated in English as “I don’t like people who”) and then finish off with their pet peeve of choice.

Below is a sampling of the personality glitches Pinoys find annoying, if not infuriating. Who knows? This might just be an eye-opener for you, and help you reassess your own traits to get along with people better!

How about you? What kind of personality traits do you dislike? Share your thoughts in the comments section below! – Rappler.com



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