Sen Chiz Escudero lauds Miss World Megan Young

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The senator said Young exemplified the true beauty and aspiration of every Filipino when she took home the crown

PROPS TO MEGAN YOUNG. Sen Chiz Escudero files Senate Resolution No 281 to honor and recognize Megan Young's Miss World victory. Megan is photographed in her Singkil outfit for Dances of the World. Photo by Jory Rivera/OPMB

MANILA, Philippines –  After the congressmen, a senator takes his turn in sending Filipino actress Megan Young props for winning the first Miss World crown for the Philippines.

READ: Congressmen honor Megan Young

In a press release sent to Rappler, Sen Chiz Escudero called Young’s accomplishment “a great source of pride and inspiration amid the conflicts confronting the nation.”

Sen Escudero filed Senate Resolution No. 281 to honor and recognize the actress’ feat. He praised her “victory not only for making history for the country, but for telling the whole world about ‘her story’ on what Filipinos can achieve in the international arena.”

Young hails from Olongapo City, and takes care her of her younger siblings, college student Victor and actress Lauren. She took home the Miss World crown last Sept 28 in Bali, Indonesia. Before the final show, she placed in 3 out of 5 pre-coronation night challenges.

“We toast Megan and all our fellow Filipinos who illuminate our pride as a nation and raise our consciousness as a people under one flag,” Sen Escudero said in his resolution.

“Her accomplishment as a beauty queen brings not only the needed respite from the political and social ills that currently beset the country but hope as well, as we aspire to be a better people struggling to make a difference in life and for the country.” 

WATCH! #AskMegan: Miss World PH 2013 Megan Young

As of writing, Young is already in London, United Kingdom, where the Miss World Organisation is based. Her supporters in the Philippines are on standby for the date of her homecoming. –

Here are our stories on Megan’s Miss World 2013 journey:

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