Questions for future beauty contestants

Joey Ramirez

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How do I get these provoking questions to Mr Trump?

JOEY RAMIREZMuch has been made in the local press and social media of how our representative to the Miss Universe 2012 contest, Janine Tugonon, answered her “final question” and how she “should have won” over Miss USA for the coveted title of Miss Universe.

Yes, Filipinos love beauty contests — as evidenced by the intensity of the responses when Janine was announced 1st runner-up.

Beauty contest answers are colloquially seen as a variation of a “standard” response that can be summarized in two words: world peace. Janine actually answered in this vein, not ruffling any feathers, and prevailing on everyone to join hands, possibly for a rendition of “Kumbaya,” making this world a better place.

To shake things up a bit and make for unpredictable answers, may I suggest the following questions for future beauty pageants:

1. We now live in an age where women are world leaders and trailblazers. Given that, how do you think judging women on the basis of looks and a single question contributes to the women’s movement?

2. Most people would agree that focusing on what’s outside is focusing on the shallow. What does your participation in this contest say about you, you think?

3. Someone commented that the beauty industry makes billions in revenues by telling people “you’re not good enough.” How would you defend this contest in the face of this criticism?

4. How does this, and any other beauty contest, contribute to humanity?

5. If an alien race were to arrive and see this pageant first thing, what can they conclude about humanity?

6. Many kids and teenagers are bullied worldwide for having “imperfect looks” — buck teeth, large ears, overweight issues. What is your message to these young people?

7. Would you have considered competing for Miss Universe if there were no cash prizes, modeling contracts, constant press presence and zero publicity?

8. An observation made about pageants like this is that it is no different from a wet T-shirt contest held in beaches everywhere. Do you consider them vastly different or essentially the same? What makes the Miss Universe contest different?

9. Would you advise women who are genetically incapable of looking as “perfect” as you to get plastic surgery to approximate your looks, since any contestant here is seen as the ultimate gold standard in beauty?

10. If you believe that God made everyone perfect and a reflection of His image, would He approve of a contest like Miss Universe, which basically is an admission that we are essentially unequal, and should be ranked by looks?

Now, how do I get these to Mr Trump? –

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