First male same sex marriage at West Point military academy

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This marks the first time a male same sex marriage takes place inside the renowned military institution

MANILA, Philippines  Two West Point male graduates married each other Saturday, November 3, a first done inside the renowed military academy, according to a report from The Washington Post.

Former military men Larry Choate III, 27, and Daniel Lennox, 28, took their vows with around 20 guests in attendance.

“You can argue about religious objections to marriage equality until we’re all blue in the face – none of that has any place in the lawmaking process,” Choate said in his blog, written two days before their marriage.

Choate is a Sunday school teacher at the military academy’s cadet chapel while Lennox is taking up his master’s degree in business administration at Harvard University. Choate is also applying to Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Choate also said in his blog,”You are entitled to your opinions and your beliefs can be based on almost anything you decide to base them on but…this is America and freedom is freedom is freedom just like love is love is love.”

The couple met through a common friend outside of the academy.

In 2012, a little more than a year after New York state legalized marriage, the West Point chapel hosted two same sex marriages between women. Choate and Lennox’s wedding was the first male same sex marriage inside the academy. –

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