Confirmed: Ruling on PH-China case out on July 12

Paterno R. Esmaquel II

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Confirmed: Ruling on PH-China case out on July 12
(3rd UPDATE) The Permanent Court of Arbitration says that 'there will be no in-person meeting or ceremony for the rendering of the award'

MANILA, Philippines (3rd UPDATE) – The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) based in The Hague, Netherlands, confirmed that it will issue its ruling on the Philippines’ case against China on July 12. 

The historic case is handled by an arbitral tribunal at the PCA. In these arbitration proceedings, the Philippines seeks to nullify China’s expansive claim over practically the whole South China Sea, parts of which the Philippines claims as the West Philippine Sea. 

“The Tribunal will issue its Award on Tuesday, 12 July 2016, at approximately 11 am CEST, The Hague,” the PCA said in a statement Wednesday evening, June 29.

“The Award will first be issued via e-mail to the Parties, along with an accompanying Press Release containing a summary of the Award. The Press Release will be in English and French, with an unofficial Mandarin Chinese translation provided,” the PCA added.

After issuing the award to the Philippines and China, the tribunal will then send it to the observer states and other stakeholders, including the media. 

The PCA will also upload to its website a copy of the award and the press release. 

“The Parties will receive originally signed versions of the Award. Hard copies of the Award will also be sent to the Embassies of States that were granted observer status for the hearings. There will be no in-person meeting or ceremony for the rendering of the Award,” the PCA said.

Under outgoing President Benigno Aquino III, the Philippines filed this case against China to provide a long-lasting solution to the West Philippine Sea dispute. Tensions escalated in the West Philippine Sea after a standoff between Philippine and Chinese vessels there in April 2012. (READ: Aquino: The president who brought China to court–

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Paterno R. Esmaquel II

Paterno R. Esmaquel II is a senior multimedia reporter covering religion for Rappler. He also teaches journalism at the University of Santo Tomas. For story ideas or feedback, email