Questions for a President, direct from the people

KD Suarez

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MANILA, Philippines – Government workers’ salaries. The reproductive health bill. The conflict in Mindanao. Support for Filipino talent.

These are just some of the topics that Filipinos from around the globe want President Benigno Aquino III to discuss in the upcoming YouTube World View, an interactive, live event where people can directly ask questions to their leaders.

Aquino is scheduled to answer these questions on Friday, November 4, and will be streamed live on It will also be seen on the ABS-CBN News Channel and

YouTube World View, the site explained, is “a series of monthly interviews with the world’s foremost leaders, where you ask the questions.”

People can log on to and post their questions, either in text form or via a video clip. People can also vote on the questions, and the top-rated questions will be asked on the November 4 event.

As of Tuesday, October 25, dozens of questions have been posted on the World View site, with topics ranging from salaries of government officials to climate change.

“The recent salary raise cap for a military or police personnel and a teacher is not enough, is there any way to raise for more salary in these tough times?,” asked user Charlie, who posted a video clip.

“Mr. President, how will your administration save our endangered rural health workers and encourage our idealistic and young doctors to stay in the country and serve the countryside first before they even consider venturing out of the country?” asked Doc Bien of Bacolod City.

“What is your green agenda?” asked Marion Tuason.

“Aren’t our social ills of corruption, discrimination, impunity, even the abuse of wang-wang, Cultural issues? Shouldn’t Culture be a centerpiece in your administration’s agenda instead of being just at the periphery?,” asked user Dee.

The rest of the questions can be found on Users can post questions at the site until Friday, October 28.

Aquino will be the first Asian head of state to be part of the online interview series. 

Among the other world leaders and celebrities who have recently participated in the World View are European Union President Jose Manuel Barroso (October); singer John Legend (June); astronaut Mark Kelly and Rwandan President Paul Kagame (May); Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero (April); Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (March); British Prime Minister David Cameron and US House of Representative Speaker John Boehner (February); and US President Barack Obama (January). –

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