2 soldiers killed in latest push in Marawi battle area

Carmela Fonbuena

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2 soldiers killed in latest push in Marawi battle area
(UPDATED) This brings the death toll in Marawi City to at least 147

MARAWI CITY, Philippines – Two soldiers, including an officer, were killed in close-quarter battles with local terrorist groups in Marawi City on Sunday, September 10, according to Colonel Romeo Brawner.

They were shot while conducting a major operation in the heart of the battle area to clear remaining strongholds of the local terrorist groups. It was Day 111 of the war. 

“In the course of the clearing, it was unfortunate that some of our soldiers were hurt in the assault. This resulted in two killed-in-action already. There were several injured soldiers,” said Brawner.

Clashes have intensified as troops push to liberate Marawi from terrorist groups linked with international terrorist network Islamic State (ISIS). (READ: Marawi battle zone: Urban warfare challenges PH military)

Their deaths bring the death toll in Marawi City to at least 147. Over 600 terrorists have been killed. (READ: Scuba diving terrorists? Troops guard Marawi lake)

The war in Marawi City erupted on May 23 when fighters from the Maute Group and the Abu Sayyaf Group joined forces in an attempt to seize the city. Leaders of both groups pledged allegiance to ISIS. 

The battle area has been narrowed to 20 hectares but the military expects intense clashes as they close in on the terrorists and their hostages. – Rappler.com

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