Duterte vows to probe Ombudsman for ‘partiality’

Paterno R. Esmaquel II

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Duterte vows to probe Ombudsman for ‘partiality’
'I will set up a commission to investigate the Ombudsman, the institution itself and all,' says President Rodrigo Duterte

MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte threatened to investigate the Office of the Ombudsman for its “partiality” after the agency revealed it was investigating the Duterte family’s wealth.

“You’ll be investigated also,” Duterte said in an interview taped on Wednesday, September 27, and aired on Thursday, September 28.

“One of these days, kayo ang sigurado kong hahabulin dahil nga sa partiality ninyo. ‘Pag ‘di ninyo inimbestiga ang sarili ninyo, ako ang magse-set-up ng commission to investigate you,” Duterte said

(One of these days, I will surely run after you because of your partiality. If you do not investigate yourselves, I will set up a commission to investigate you.) 

“Huwag mo akong lokohin (Do not fool me),” Duterte said. “I will set up a commission to investigate the Ombudsman, the institution itself and all.”

Duterte made this threat after the Office of the Ombudsman said bank transactions of Duterte and his family through the years amount to a total of more than P1 billion ($19.63 million). The President is being accused of amassing hidden wealth

In the interview that aired Thursday, Duterte also accused the Office of the Ombudsman of corruption.

“Tanungin mo ‘yang mga military, kayong Pilipino, tanungin ‘nyo ‘yung mga military na nagkakaso diyan, magkano ang binayad nila? Pulis, lahat mayor, governors, tanungin ninyo nagbayad ‘yan. Bayad ‘yan. Anak ka ng… pagkabayad dismissed ang kaso,” he said.

(Ask the military, you Filipinos, ask the military who had cases there, how much did they pay? Policemen, mayors, governors, ask them, they all paid. They paid. Son of a… after they paid, their cases were dismissed.)

The Office of the Ombudsman is headed by retired Supreme Court justice Conchita Carpio Morales, a Ramon Magsaysay awardee in 2016

Morales is an aunt of Duterte’s son-in-law, Manases Carpio, husband of Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio. She has inhibited from cases involving the Dutertes. (READ: Duterte slams Ombudsman for ‘selective justice’)

Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo earlier warned Overall Deputy Ombudsman Arthur Carandang that he could face administrative sanctions for allegedly “disclosing” details of Duterte’s bank records. – Rappler.com

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Paterno R. Esmaquel II

Paterno R. Esmaquel II is a senior multimedia reporter covering religion for Rappler. He also teaches journalism at the University of Santo Tomas. For story ideas or feedback, email pat.esmaquel@rappler.com.