Foggy morning in Metro Manila as temps drop


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MANILA, Philippines – A foggy morning greeted residents of Metro Manila as cooler temperatures prevailed in the metropolis and other parts of the country Monday.

This was a result of cooler temperatures brough about by continuous rains over the weekend, as well as the presence of the cold front 

In an interview on dzBB, PAGASA forecaster Juri Lois said the fog was caused by an inversion layer, where warmer air trapped cooler air nearer the surface.  This, with a relative humidity at nearly 100, caused the fog. 

The fog slowly dissipated throughout the morning, as the sun warmed up the city.

Northern and central Luzon, meanwhile, will have cloudy skies with scattered rainshowers and thunderstorms, according to PAGASA’s latest forecast.

The rest of the archipelago, meanwhile, will be partly cloudy to cloudy with scattered rains or thunrderstorms, the bureau said.

Temperatures in Metro Manila are forecast between 24 and 31 degrees Celsius, with the trend forecast to continue in the next 4 days. 

Moderate to occassionally strong winds will prevail from the east, and Manila Bay will have moderate to occassionally rough seas.

Metro Cebu will experience temperatures between 25-32 degrees Celsius, with light to moderate winds from the east and northeast. 

Temperatures between 25-31 degrees Celsius will be felt in Metro Davao, with moderate winds coming from the east and northeast.

Meanwhile, Baguio will get a lot colder, with temperatures forecast between 15-23 degrees Celsius. 

PAGASA also said that the weekend rains in most parts of the country, including Metro Manila, was due to the cold front. Rains today, meanwhile, can be attributed to the convergence of the northeast monsoon and the easterly winds.

The La Nina phenomenon is also forecast to intensify the rainy weather in most parts of the country.

For the rest of the PAGASA 24-hour forecast, click here.

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