6 members of notorious robbery gang killed in Cagayan police operation

Raymon Dullana

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6 members of notorious robbery gang killed in Cagayan police operation
Cagayan police say the group's leader is among those killed in the operation

CAGAYAN, Philippines – Six alleged members of a notorious robbery and hold-up gang were killed in a police operation in Cagayan on Tuesday night, November 20. 

In a report, Cagayan provincial police chief Warren Tolito said local police operatives of Lal-lo town engaged in a shootout with the suspects after multiple hold-up incidents were reported to them on Tuesday.

The suspects were aboard a white van when they were apprehended by police in Barangay Bangag in Lal-lo, police said.

Most of the suspects remained unidentified as of posting time, but police said the group’s leader Gener Dunag was among those killed.

Another suspect fled the scene but was later caught by members of the Regional Mobile Force Battalion. The suspect was identified as Deyes Duyao, 34, a resident of Tanudan town in Kalinga.

Duyao faces charges of robbery in band and attempted homicide. 

Recovered from the suspects were P140,000 cash, 12 cellphones, and several firearms and ammunition.

EVIDENCE. Police say they recovered cash amounting to P140,000 from the suspects. Photo courtesy of PNP

The suspects reportedly flagged down two trucks and a Nissan van in Lal-lo town and declared hold-up at gunpoint. 

The victims said they lost about P200,000 to the suspects.

Prior to the shootout, police received reports of robbery and hold-up in several areas in Lal-lo, prompting an intensified checkpoint. – Rappler.com

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