Son of BuCor chief Nicanor Faeldon tests negative for illegal drugs

Rhadyz B. Barcia

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Son of BuCor chief Nicanor Faeldon tests negative for illegal drugs
Naga City police chief Senior Superintendent Felix Servita says the 3 others arrested with Nicanor Faeldon Jr tested positive for illegal drugs

LEGAZPI CITY, Philippines – The son of Bureau of Corrections chief Nicanor Faeldon tested negative for drug use, the police chief of Naga City said on Saturday, December 15.

Police Senior Superintendent Felix Servita bared the results of the drug tests conducted on Nicanor Faeldon Jr and 3 others a day after they were arrested in a suspected drug den in Naga City.

Servita said the drug tests on Faeldon Jr’s companions – Russel Lanuzo, Allan Valdez, and Manuel Niebres – all yielded positive results.

The tests were conducted by Police Senior Inspector Vina Zarina M. Zaldua-Cunom, who said the specimens from Lanuzo, Valdez, and Niebres were found positive for the presence of methamphetamine (shabu) metabolites.

 Zaldua said there would be no more confirmatory tests on Faeldon Jr’s specimen.

Not yet off the hook

Servita said that while Faeldon Jr tested negative for drug use, he still faced charges for violating Republic Act No. 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.

“Faeldon Jr [tested] negative in the drug test but he will still be charged for violating Section 7 of RA 9165,” Servita said.

Under Section 7 of RA 9165, a person who enters a drug den even if he is aware of the nature of the place faces 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment and a fine ranging from P100,000 to P500,000.

When asked, the Naga police chief said he had not received any call from Faeldon regarding his son’s case.

“There was no call from Faeldon Jr’s father since his arrest yesterday. We will be fair in the investigation of the case,” Servita  said.

Faeldon earlier said he would not intervene in the case, and vowed to “kill” his own son if proven that he was a drug user.

The Naga drug bust on Friday was based on information that Lanuzo, a businessmen, ran a drug den in his house. –


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