36 transport cooperatives newly-accredited for PUV modernization program


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36 transport cooperatives newly-accredited for PUV modernization program
Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade instructs the Office of Transportation Cooperatives to fast-track the approval of accreditation applications for the program

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Transportation (DOTr) has accredited a fresh batch of transport cooperatives for the Public Utility Vehicles (PUV) Modernization Program or PUVMP.

In a statement on Saturday, January 26, DOTr said its Office of Transportation Cooperatives (OTC) approved the accreditation of 36 transport cooperatives for the PUVMP on Thursday, January 24.

This brings the total to 681 accredited transport cooperatives, up from 484 in June 2018, said DOTr, citing OTC data.

“The increasing number of transport cooperatives qualified to participate in the implementation of the PUVMP is testament that the PUVMP is very much alive,” said DOTr Secretary Arthur Tugade, adding that the program “not only aims to uplift the lives of commuters, but also of PUV drivers and operators.” (READ: LTFRB to delay implementation of total PUV modernization)

“We want these transport cooperatives to become highly competitive business organizations with stable livelihoods,” he continued. (READ: Buses, jeepneys in the Philippines to be modernized by 2020)

Tugade on Thursday instructed OTC to fast-track the approval of applications for accreditation. OTC chairman Medel Afalla responded that his office will conduct bi-monthly meetings for this effort.

Transport groups must form corporations or cooperatives to qualify in the program, said DOTr. – Michael Bueza/Rappler.com

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