MRT3 unloads passengers due to smoke emission

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MRT3 unloads passengers due to smoke emission

Jire Carreon

The train line resumes normal operations at 6:35 pm

MANILA, Philippines – A Metro Rail Transit Line 3 (MRT3) train unloaded passengers on Monday night, March 18, due to smoke from underneath the train.

At around 6:02 pm, passengers were unloaded at the Cubao and Santolan interstation, according to an MRT3 statement.

“Passengers were assisted by the train driver and security personnel. At 6:35 pm, the train regained traction and was moved to the pocket track in Shaw Station,” the statement read.

The train line resumed normal operations at 6:35 pm. The MRT3 said it is already investigating the incident.

The MRT3 has broken down 7 times since the year started. Monday’s glitch is the second recorded this March.

Earlier this month, the Department of Transportation said government’s payment to the Japanese contractor in charge of the MRT3 rehabilitation has been “delayed,” but the upgrades remain “on track.” – with reports from Aika Rey/ 

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