‘Jolly’ Tagle gets campaign jingle

Paterno R. Esmaquel II

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Watch a Filipino's campaign jingle for the 'jolly' papal contender, Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle

'JOLLY CARDINAL.' Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle humors the youth at a thanksgiving event in 2012. Photo from the Manila Archdiocese's website

MANILA, Philippines – From the happiest country in the world, a potential pope… and a jingle to complete the campaign season.

In the middle of pre-conclave meetings in Vatican City, a Filipino created “a happy song for a jolly cardinal” – a campaign jingle for Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle, considered a papal contender. (Read: ‘Hope’ for Church: Third World pope.)

Youtube user “Latigo” created the jingle to the tune of the Village People’s YMCA.

The jingle titled “Cardinal Tagle, Our Next Pope” goes: “Tagle, I know he is the one. I say Tagle, he is a soldier of God. I say Tagle, he won’t do anything bad, and he’ll lead us to good things… Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle. Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle-eh…” (Watch the video below.)

Tagle, a protege of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, has impressed the world with his charisma and his much-applauded speeches. Vatican watchers have considered him a papabile since Benedict made him archbishop of Manila, one of the most influential dioceses in Asia. (Read: Tagle’s words that struck the world.)

John Paul II: No politics

To be sure, though, the Church considers the conclave a mostly religious rather than political exercise. In his decree Universi Domnici Regis, the late Pope John Paul II sought to insulate the conclave from political interference.

“With the same insistence shown by my predecessors, I earnestly exhort the cardinal electors not to allow themselves to be guided, in choosing the pope, by friendship or aversion, or to be influenced by favor or personal relationships toward anyone, or to be constrained by the interference of persons in authority or by pressure groups, by the suggestions of the mass media, or by force, fear or the pursuit of popularity,” John Paul said.

“Rather,” he added, “having before their eyes solely the glory of God and the good of the Church, and having prayed for divine assistance, they shall give their vote to the person, even outside the College of Cardinals, who in their judgment is most suited to govern the universal Church in a fruitful and beneficial way.”

John Paul’s decree protects the conclave, as well as the pre-conclave meetings, with a vow of secrecy. (Read: The secret meetings before the conclave.)

PRE-CONCLAVE MEETING. Bound by secrecy, cardinals meet daily before the conclave to discuss issues faced by the Catholic Church, among others. Photo from news.va's Facebook page

At the Vatican, 148 cardinals gathered on Tuesday, March 5, for the 3rd pre-conclave meeting called a General Congregation.

Eleven cardinals delivered speeches relevant to choosing their leader – “activities of the Holy See and its relations with bishops throughout the world; Church renewal in light of Vatican Council II; and the Church’s position and the need for he New Evangelization in today’s world with its diverse cultural environments.” 

Outside General Congregations, however, cardinals also discuss or even lobby for their favored bets – off the record.

Miles away from the Vatican, nothing stops common Filipinos from campaigning for their favored pope. The Commission on Elections? Oops, it’s not in their campaign rules. 

(Read the jingle’s lyrics below.)

Cardinal Tagle, Our Next Pope
By: Latigo
Lyrics By: Latigo
Original Song: YMCA by the Village People.


Tagle, I know he is the one
I say Tagle, he is a soldier of God
I say Tagle, he won’t do any bad
And he’ll lead us to do good things

Tagle, a man of love and care
I say Tagle, he is just and fair
I say Tagle, I know he will be there
For the churches of all nations


Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle
Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle-eh

He will do what he can, as a shepherd of men
To bring peace to our land 

Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle
Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle-eh

He will listen to us, he’s a man we can trust,
He will pray for all of us


Tagle, he’s a healthy young man
I say Tagle, he’s a righteous man
I say Tagle, he’s a moral man
And he’ll spread the Gospel in our world

Tagle, looks out for everyone
I say Tagle, will pick us up when we’re down
I say Tagle, and the lost will be found
And he’ll guide us all to Heaven


Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle
Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle-eh

He will do what he can, as a shepherd of men
To bring peace to our land 

Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle
Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle-eh

He will listen to us, he’s a man we can trust,
He will pray for all of us


Tagle, an inspiration for all
I say Tagle, will heed Jesus’s call
I say Tagle, ’cause he will stand tall 
He’ll defend his flock from evil

Tagle, a Good Samaritan
I say Tagle, he helps fellow men
I say Tagle, will talk to God every day
So he can show us all the right way


Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle
Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle-eh

He will do what he can, as a shepherd of men
To bring peace to our land 

Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle
Our next pope should be Cardinal Tagle-eh

He will listen to us, he’s a man we can trust,
He will pray for all of us

– Rappler.com

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Paterno R. Esmaquel II

Paterno R. Esmaquel II is a senior multimedia reporter covering religion for Rappler. He also teaches journalism at the University of Santo Tomas. For story ideas or feedback, email pat.esmaquel@rappler.com.