Another Filipino in Singapore who visited PH gets coronavirus

Paterno R. Esmaquel II

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Another Filipino in Singapore who visited PH gets coronavirus


The patient is linked to another Filipino who also recently visited the Philippines

SINGAPORE – Another Filipino in Singapore who recently visited the Philippines contracted the novel coronavirus, Singapore’s Ministry of Health said on Thursday, March 12.

He is the 7th Filipino in Singapore who tested positive for the novel coronavirus disease called COVID-19. He is now confined at the National Center for Infectious Diseases.

“Case 184 is a 35-year-old male Filipino national who is a Singapore work pass holder, and had been in the Philippines from 24 February to 1 March. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 12 March morning, and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID. He is linked to Case 172,” the MOH said.

Case 172 is also a Filipino. She is a 42-year-old Singapore work pass holder who was in the Philippines from February 27 to March 2.

Singapore has had 187 cases of COVID-19 as of Thursday.

Of this number, 96 cases have fully recovered and been discharged from the hospital, and 91 are still confined. Most of those in the hospital are stable and improving, while 9 are in critical condition. Singapore has recorded zero deaths due to COVID-19.

At least 7 of Singapore’s coronavirus cases are Filipinos. One of them is a permanent resident of Singapore, two are domestic helpers under the same employer who also contracted COVID-19, and 3 are Filipino workers who recently visited the Philippines. –

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Paterno R. Esmaquel II

Paterno R. Esmaquel II is a senior multimedia reporter covering religion for Rappler. He also teaches journalism at the University of Santo Tomas. For story ideas or feedback, email