Cebu City stores may sell liquor, but public drinking still banned

Ryan Macasero

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Cebu City stores may sell liquor, but public drinking still banned
Executive Order No. 073 bans the consumption of liquor in public places, but it does not ban stores from selling it. A previous total liquor ban expired on April 14.

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Ryan Macasero

Ryan covers social welfare for Rappler. He started at Rappler as social media producer in 2013, and later took on various roles for the company: editor for the #BalikBayan section, correspondent in Cebu, and general assignments reporter in the Visayas region. He graduated from California State University, East Bay, with a degree in international studies and a minor in political science. Outside of work, Ryan performs spoken word poetry and loves attending local music gigs. Follow him on Twitter @ryanmacasero or drop him leads for stories at