Tons of aid arrive today

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UN airlifts thousands of blankets, tarpaulin, and kitchen sets

MANILA, Philippines – Around 42 metric tons of aid collected by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees will begin arriving today to be transported to northern Mindanao areas devastated by “Sendong.”

In a statement, the UN agency said it is rushing the delivery of plastic tarpaulin and other basic household items that will provide emergency shelter for at least 10,000 people in Cagayan de Oro and Iligan cities.

The first batch is scheduled to arrive at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport on Friday afternoon, Dec. 23, 2011. It will also carry more than 10,000 blankets, 4,000 water containers, and more than 2,000 kitchen sets, the statement said.

Government records show at least 43,000 people are now in 15 evacuation centers in northern Mindanao, while 266,000 others are staying with relatives in makeshift structures.

As of Dec. 22, 2011, the government has recorded 1,018 dead from Tropical Storm “Sendong,” with Cagayan de Oro  getting the bulk of the count at 666.

The UN has called on the global community and humanitarian agencies to raise roughly P1.2 billion to help rehabilitate the lives of the victims of “Sendong.”

At a press conference on Friday, Dec. 21, 2011, Dr. Soe Nyunt-U presented a 36-page assessment report and rehabilitation “action plan” in the aftermath of “Sendong.” –

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