Heavy rains cause flooding, landslides in Cebu


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Heavy rains cause flooding, landslides in Cebu
The combined effects of the southwest monsoon and Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong) cause flooding in several parts of the province

MANILA, Philippines – Heavy rains brought by the combined effects of the monsoon and Tropical Storm Mario (Fung-Wong) caused flooding in several parts of Cebu on Thursday, September 18.

The Cebu unit of the state-run Philippine Information Agency (PIA) reported that as early as Thursday morning, flood waters in some barangays in Talisay City were already waist-deep. 

Residents were immediately ordered to evacuate to safer areas, such as the Lagtang Public Market.

Several areas in Mandaue City were also not passable due to waist-deep flood waters, PIA Cebu said.  Affected families were evacuated to the Mandaue Sports Center.

Netizens also reported being stranded as the flooded roads prevented vehicles from passing.

The provincial government deployed rescue teams to aid stranded individuals and ferry them to safer locations.

Landslide warning
The provincial government also reported landslide incidents along Transcentral Highway in the boundary between Balamban and Cebu City. 

The Provincial Disaster Risk and Reduction Office (PDRRMO) advised drivers to be careful as the soil softening due to the heavy rain might cause rocks and trees to fall.

As of 1 pm, state weather bureau PAGASA placed Cebu under Yellow Warning. Under this warning, heavy rain is expected to last for no less than two hours and flooding is possible especially in low-lying areas. – Rappler.com 

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