#PopeFrancisPH: Holy Father leaves Sri Lanka


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#PopeFrancisPH: Holy Father leaves Sri Lanka
Pope Francis left for the Philippines via Sri Lankan airlines flight ALK 4111

MANILA, Philippines – Pope Francis left Sri Lanka to visit the Philippines on the second leg of his week-long trip in Asia.

Rappler is livestreaming the events of his 5-day visit which includes a meeting with President Benigno Aquino, and meetings with priests, the youth and families in the country’s capital, Manila. He will also spend a day in Leyte to meet the survivors of Typhoon Yolanda (international name: Haiyan).

The charismatic pontiff is expected to draw crowds of thousands to millions, possibly rivaling the 5-million-strong crowd of Pope John Paul II’s visit in 1995. For more stories on the Pope, visit #PopeFrancisPH.

Watch the whole event here.

Click here to watch the other events of Pope Francis’ visit to the country:

Here are some fast facts for each of the venues:

– Rappler.com

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