Davao City workers to Trillanes: ‘We’re not ghost employees’


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Davao City workers to Trillanes: ‘We’re not ghost employees’
More than 7,000 job order employees reject the claim of Senator Antonio Trillanes IV that Mayor Rodrigo Duterte hired ghost workers

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – More than 7,000 job order employees trooped to Davao City Hall on Saturday, May 7, to sign an attendance sheet to disprove Senator Antonio Trillanes IV’s claim that Mayor Rodrigo Duterte is hiding 11,000 “ghost employees.”

As of 11 am Saturday, the last count of job order employees totaled 7,500, said Sun.Star Davao in a report.


The employees from even as far as Paquibato District, which is about one and a half kilometers away from the poblacion, arrived at the City Hall to list their names.

Trillanes filed on Thursday, May 5, plunder charges against Duterte over the alleged ghost employees that the City Government is hiding.

In his complaint affidavit, Trillanes said that the non-existent contractual employees cost the coffers of Davao City some P708 million, adding that the ghost employees were hired in 2014.

But Davao City Administrator Melchor Quitain said that the figure given by Trillanes is not verified. – with reports from Christine C. Cudis of Sun.Star Davao/Sunnex/Rappler.com

This article is republished under Rappler’s content sharing agreement with the SunStar network in the coverage of the 2016 national and local elections.

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